Not right but suitable:
- Subjects
- Degree
- Occupation
- Career
Aims of the Counselling:
This programme gives an opportunity for families who prefer to make their decisions as a team and who are open to cooperation and communication to consider the career decision making process from a scientific perspective. Family members discuss their answers to the questions posed in an open and safe environment in the presence of a career counsellor. Family members evaluate where the student stands in relation to career planning preparation and adaptability to the future. Hence, we will come to a common understanding of the family’s current position, setting a solid foundation for realistic career planning. We will discuss the ways in which we can transform abstract concepts into concrete strategies and behaviours.
Counselling Outcomes:
- They examine the internal and external factors by focusing on the small details in big picture.
- They work on the internal factors such as instincts, needs, emotions, beliefs and values that unconsciously affect decisions.
- They list the career areas, occupations, and university degrees in line with their interests provided in the TurQuest inventory.
- Based on the suggestions in the report, students select their course or IB subjects if they have not already been selected.
- They learn their aptitudes, areas to improve and which aptitudes are required in different occupations through Aptitude Inventory.
- They realise their interest that they have not been aware of and match them with careers/occupations.
- Through TurQuest, students learn that interest in a certain occupation is not sufficient for happiness, but they also need to be interested in the supporting areas. For instance, interest in fashion design may be 100% but lower interest in the supporting areas such as information technologies or retail/buying/selling can decrease the overall match to fashion design to 50%. Knowing this which planning the career is vital to prevent the disappointment in the long run and making the required preparations.
- Students gain knowledge about the sectors, organisational structures (manager, expert, administrative staff etc.) and sectoral values.
- They evaluate different options such as minor, major etc. From a multidisciplinary perspective and make short-medium-and long-term action plans.
- They clarify the topics to research and get consultation from others.
- They learn the occupations which intersect different career areas (For instance, biomedical engineering which combines medicine and engineering).
- They instantly access the TurQuest report and matching career areas via the app.
Not: Participants receive CAPS Career and Occupation Choice participation document after completion of the workshop.
Who Can Enrol?: Year 9-10-11-12 students and their parents
Duration: The duration of total consultation is 300 minutes and 3-4 sessions.
Location: Online or CAPS Education Office, Ataşehir
Inventories: Mental Preparation, TurQuest Career and Occupation Selection Inventory, Aptitude Inventory